PetbleCare 寵物保險 香港 狗狗 貓貓 食物標籤 food labels 寵物食品 寵物糧 貓糧 狗糧 chicken by product chicken meal


學習貓狗營養學的源起,是我發現貓狗糧包裝上的用字,尤其是食材,例如:Beef (牛)、 Chicken(雞),我大概都懂;但有時會見到 Chicken By Product、 Chicken Meal 等詞,三者又有何不同?看着這些字眼,不禁令我升起無數黑人問號。其實如果飼主細心看看貓狗糧的包裝,應該也會滿腦子知其言而不知其所以言。

原來,美國半官方機構 AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Official) 對於這些用字有明確定義。Carmen 老師會逐一介紹,今次先說 Beef(牛)、 Chicken(雞)、 Duck(鴨)等字;下次會講解 Chicken By Product、 Chicken Meal 等其他字眼。


貓狗糧包裝上 Beef(牛)、 Chicken(雞)、 Duck(鴨)等用字表示屬於肉類(Meat)。


屬肉類,例如Beef(牛)、 Chicken(雞)、 Duck(鴨)等…… 主要是肌肉,例如橫紋肌,簡單來說就是肌肉。

Meat 用法根據 AAFCO 的定義如下:




Meat: the clean flesh derived from slaughtered mammals and limited to that part of the striate muscle which is skeletal or that part which is found in the tongue, in the diaphragm, in the heart or in the esophagus; with or without the accompanying and overlying fat and portions of the skin, sinew, nerve and blood vessels which normally accompany the flesh. It shall be suitable for animal food. If it bears a name descriptive of its kind, it must correspond thereto. In other words, meat is primarily the muscle tissue of the animal, but may include fat, gristle and other tissues normally accompanying the muscle, similar to what is sometimes seen in raw meat sold for human consumption. This may include the less appealing cuts of meat, including the heart muscle and the muscle that separates the heart and lungs from the rest of the internal organs, but it is still muscle tissue.
 However, it does not include bone. Meat for pet food often is “mechanically separated,” meaning machines strip the muscle from the bone. This results in a finely-ground product with a paste-like consistency (similar to what is used in hot dogs).

如果你在貓狗糧的包裝標籤看到 Beef(牛)、 Chicken(雞)、 Duck(鴨)等字眼,代表貓狗糧是用該動物之肌肉群製成的。

PetbleCare 寵物保險 香港 狗狗 貓貓 食物標籤 food labels 寵物食品 寵物糧 貓糧 狗糧 chicken by product chicken meal






You are what you eat,為毛小孩選購貓狗糧,除了聽從寵物店的建議,你自己對於貓狗營養學又有多少認識?我們應該如何挑選貓狗糧?近年外國鼓吹蛋白質,把蛋白質奉若神名,同時間把碳水化合物幾近貶作萬惡,但所有貓狗都適合高蛋白質食物嗎?其實所謂高蛋白質,多高才是高呢?
